Mesiac: január 2023

music video _AMO_Lúza

Now legendary Rap-videoclips from Bratislava , which I created together with cameraman Noro Hudec in 2004/05 and they are the band Amo – Bratislava and the second one was for the upcoming, production mixtape Viktor Hazard _ double music-video _ AMO – To čo nás spája and Lúza -Aby si niečo dosiahol.. The video clips …

music video _AMO_Lúza Čítajte viac »

Inspire Etage Gallery 2007

In 2007 we prepared with Insipre Magazine one more Uran Art Event, this time on a ship, which was in the spirit of a pirate vernissage… artists from Vienna /Rabbit eyed crew/ etc. took part in it… here are some photos…

My first music-video_ Misha

the first music video.. on which I collaborated and where our brand reserve07 appeared was in 2002 Misha – Náladu mi dvíhaš. That year it was also nominated for best music video…

Inspire Etage Gallery 2006

In 2006, under the auspices of the Slovak „cultural“ magazine Inspire, there was an exhibition of Urban Artists in Bratislava, both from here and abroad, exhibited here for example Nychos, or Wolf or Alesh One… and of course also me